To use Canvas Extended, open a lecture recording on Canvas (it should have .preview at the end of the URL). Thats it! For assistance or to report bugs visit the support link. IMPORTANT: You MUST uninstall the Canvas Video Enhancer extension for this to work correctly!
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the Canvas Extended for Auckland University Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the Canvas Extended for Auckland University Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
This extension lets you view your canvas grade average per class, even when total grades are disabled.
Unofficial improvements to the UoA mediaplayer.
Download all available course attachments on Canvas. This extension works for all schools that use Canvas LMS.
Zorbi makes studying easier and faster through flashcards that predict when you're going to forget them. Learn more about Zorbi at…
A suite of tools that enhance the Canvas LMS. Each tool is simple and designed with students and teaching teams in mind.
Provides extra functions on University of Auckland's Canvas environment.
Improves the University of Auckland lecture recording playback interface.
Customize your Canvas experience and do advanced things with your Canvas by Instructure account.