--- IMPORTANT --- Improves the experience for videos hosted on mediaplayer.auckland.ac.nz. Can be installed alongside Canvas Video Enhancer, which works on mediastore.auckland.ac.nz. Before reporting issues, make sure to check where your lecture is hosted. Features: - Download button for watching lectures offline - Keyboard shortcuts: - J and L for seeking - K to play/pause - F to go fullscreen - > to speed up and < to slow down, / to reset speed - Automatically skip copyright notice - Remember where you stopped watching - Various other fixes and improvements Request features, report bugs, and stay updated here: https://acoollevel.github.io/uoa-mediaplayer-plus/ Development - Source code is available on Github: https://github.com/acoollevel/uoa-mediaplayer-plus
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the UoA MediaplayerPlus Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the UoA MediaplayerPlus Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
This extension lets you quickly seek video playback forwards and backwards.
An extension that allows easy control of various media streaming websites.
Video and audio player with speed control, playlist, shuffle, and volume-boosting
Alters the Flinders University Online (FLO) video player.
Detect streamable video and audio sources and offer to play them in VLC multimedia player
The extension regulate sharpness, contrast, brightness, saturation and other settings for video and images on the all websites.
Improves the University of Auckland lecture recording playback interface.
A web video player for local files.