Replaces the default Flash Player for lecture recordings with HTML5 video and adds extra controls for playback speed and playback quality. Features: *Playlist for lecture recordings of the same course *Controls for playback speed and quality *Insert bookmarks in lecture recordings *Download recordings with 1 click *Automatically skips copyright notice at the start of the recording *Enables better browser compatibility for recordings - Flash Player no longer required *Adds hotkeys for video control: -Space plays/pauses the video -F toggles fullscreen mode -Left and Right arrow keys skips 10 seconds back/forward -, and . decreases/increases video speed Changelog: v0.2.0.1: -Bugfixes v0.2.0.0: -Added playlist functionality v0.1.2.1: -Fixed parsing of some URL formats v0.1.2.0: -Added bookmarks feature -Added download button v0.1.1.2: -Fixed compatibility with new Canvas player v0.1.1.1: -Bugfixes v0.1.1.0: -Added logging for watched videos v0.1.0.1: -Fixed layout issues when used with Cecil Lecture Downloader v0.1.0.0: -New video player interface -Selected volume is now saved across sessions v0.0.1.1: -Bugfixes v0.0.1.0: -Added hotkeys -Selected video quality is now saved across sessions v0.0.0.1: -Initial release GitHub:
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the Canvas Video Enhancer Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the Canvas Video Enhancer Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
Improves YouTube experience with video effects, color filters and other features. Also provides a sound enhancer for all sites
An extension that allows easy control of various media streaming websites.
Add 'key'board support to Chrome's native HTML5 video player.
Unofficial improvements to the UoA mediaplayer.
Color Adjustment/10Band EQ/Chorus/Delay/Reverb/Playback Rate/Loop/Panels
Download all available course attachments on Canvas. This extension works for all schools that use Canvas LMS.
Easily change the playback speed of videos in your browser: right-click a video, click Video Play Speed, and then choose your speed.
Gives you greater control over Canvas lecture videos, including the speed and quality.
The extension regulate sharpness, contrast, brightness, saturation and other settings for video and images on the all websites.
Provides extra functions on University of Auckland's Canvas environment.