Features: - Lack of features - Works out of the box - Shortcut: Alt+Shift+D (can be changed in chrome://extensions/configureCommands) - Configurable (basics) - Perceives basic semantic hints (e.g. when a label contains age, year, phone strings) and limitations (e.g. min, minlength) - Click again to reset all the forms (though should keep the original values) - Supported elements: - input: text, email, number, radio, checkbox, tel, password, date, url - select - textarea Please note the logic of populating forms may not suite everyone, e.g. data that is already filled (existed before the page was loaded) will not be cleared and fitted with dummy data. If you think some behavior is terribly illogical, please give me a shout. https://github.com/ptomaszek/dummy-form-filler
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the Dummy Form Filler Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the Dummy Form Filler Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
One-click form filler that supports multiple profiles and regular expression rules
This extension is used by developers to make it easy to fill forms
A form filler that fills all inputs on a page with fake/dummy data.
Fill out checkout and registration forms at Magento store.
The most advanced tool for filling forms with fake and random data.
Populate form fields with one click. This is BETA version.
Enable testers to fill forms automatically/on-demand based on (sets of) rules they wrote / captured.
Fill out web forms instantly with junk or custom data
This extension will help delvelopers to fill random values in the form