Exports any SVG DOM elements (now including those within same-origin IFrames) on a web page to files for further use in drawing packages such as Inkscape. Scans through CSS classes for styles the SVG and their child elements uses and adds them as standalone style elements to the SVG object, so the generated SVG file doesnt depend on external CSS classes. Good for passing out visualisations generated with D3. ---- Uses Eli Greys fileSaver routine: https://github.com/eligrey/FileSaver.js/ 1.1: Now adds dummy svg node which holds computed style of svg elements parent node. Irons out a few discrepancies. 1.11: Dummy svg node now holds computed style of actual svg element, solves couple of further bugs. 1.12: Catches errors caused by invalid style rules rather than crashes 1.13: Couple more errors to do with parent style recognition ironed out. 1.14: Can now also pull out svg elements within IFrames. 1.15: Bugfix when css styles not present - xinczhang 1.16: Bugfix when IFrame is inaccessible (caused crash) 1.17: Bugfix where styles applied to svg element itself werent being picked up 1.18: Bugfix where class being an SVGAnimatedString caused a crash. Thanks to Robert Kerr for spotting this. 1.19: Thanks to Severin Neumann for adding the ability to include images embedded in SVG. 1.20: Catch stylesheet access exception error 1.22: Add alert popup to say what svgExport has found. Save svgs with slightly useful filenames (svg elements id and class) 1.23 Update to manifest v3, remove some unneeded permissions
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the Export SVG with Style Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the Export SVG with Style Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
Extension helps detect if canvas is used at the web page and allows to export and save canvas content.
Save SVG images as PNG. Navigate to an .svg file, right click on it and click on the context menu item 'Save SVG as PNG.
Download SVGs from websites as SVGs, PNGs or JPEGs
Find, optimize, organize, edit, and export your SVGs
A tool to quickly preview and get all the svg assets from a website.
Import a web page to Figma layers
Collect and analyze CSS.
Shows an inline preview of SVG files on GitHub
Show previews of all links to SVGs
Take scalable, semantic, accessible screenshots, in SVG format.