ボタン1つで画面が2つに分割されます。レスポンシブサイトの場合、片方のウィンドウをスマホの幅にすることで、パソコン版とスマホ版のデザインを一度に確認することが出来ます。 横幅はマウスで自由に変更可能です。
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the Responsive Check!! Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the Responsive Check!! Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
This extension displays grid and measurement overlays for a design grid system.
Display title tag and meta:description,meta:'key'words,in the corner of the browser.
Show multiple screens once, Responsive design tester
Responsive design testing tool to test any website’s responsiveness – it only takes 2 seconds! Emulate various screen resolutions.
This extension show alt and meta.
Tool for checking HTML difference between tabs ,or between production and development environment.
The responsive design browser
Check the HTML for error. This doesn't send the source to the external. If web page behavior is not correct, you should turn off it.
Test responsive design of any web page with one click. Extension works when you click to extension icon only.