HTTP Codes gives you information about standard HTTP status codes. All the codes are set out in a grid, with color coordination, making it easy to find the code you are looking for. Clicking on each code will bring up more information... useful if you are developing REST APIs and websites that utilize a lot of HTTP status codes.
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the HTTP Codes Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the HTTP Codes Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
Quickly view HTTP headers for the current page.
set your Cookie, Referer, and User-Agent policy for any sites
Dev Helper
Look for patterns inside HTML, JS, CSS and AJAX code
HTTP Header Spy enables you to inspect request- response headers and cookies right after page load with no extra clicks.
This extension helps invalidate cache of a file in an Akamai property
Go to a specified line in plain file in browser
Write CSS to any web page dynamically
This extension validates links, checks HTTP status codes and can search linked content to help you find problems with your website
This extension shows information about HTML elements on a web page when you hover over them.