提供電腦沒有日文鍵盤時,也可以輕鬆的輸入日文 When your computer doesnt have the keyboard, this extension might help you. 支援中文、英文 Language:Chinese、English http://project.kimx.info/2016/11/jk-keyboard.html
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the JK Japan Keyboard Helper Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the JK Japan Keyboard Helper Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
Keeps you updated on the latest news from the Culture Japan world!
Receive a message from a native application.
Convert japanese text (kanji, kana) to latin (roumaji)
Look up and input a kanji character via 'key'words and component names from James Heisig's 'Remembering the Kanji'.
A translator/dictionary extension, support English/Chinese/Japanese/Korean.
rikaikun shows the reading and English definition of Japanese words when you hover over Japanese text in the browser.
TJDict 是一款方便快速的整合型網路字典,支援英漢、漢英、英英、日日,只要查詢一個單字,就能得到多本字典的查詢結果。再也不用開一堆分頁找單字,節省你的寶貴時間。
Helps you read Japanese text
Add furigana to japanese kanji and searching online dictionaries