Map Replace let you replace Google Maps with maps from the Norwegian Mapping Authority, (Norway) or Open Street Map. This Chrome Extension works on any web site that uses Google Maps, like, and The benefit of replacing Google Maps with other map providers is that they might provide better maps for certain areas. For example, the maps from the Norwegian Mapping Authority provides superior maps over Norway.
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the Map Replace Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the Map Replace Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
Map location on Google Maps. Just select the text, right click to bring up the context menu and select 'Find in Google Maps'.
This extension give you informations of how Google Maps API is implemented.
Change satellite images in mapping websites.
Instantly access Google Maps without having to leave your tab.
Switch between different map services. Convert coordinates and directions and jump to the same location on another map.
Provides access to certain OS OpenData products within the WME environment
Map switcher for Strava website
History of Automatical Arrangement & Search
Adding Google Maps search to your address bar.