Download MapIT chrome extension. This extension helps in showing location on Google maps or search a phrase on Google search and install in your Google chrome browser. This is Direct MapIT Crx download for Chrome it is also called MapIT offline CRX for chrome Download. This MapIT is used to This extension helps in showing location on Google maps or search a phrase on Google search
Overlay a circle, image, KML or Terrain on Google Map Maker
Select an address, right click and search it on Google Maps directly. Directly find an address found on a website with 2 clicks.
Change satellite images in mapping websites.
Instantly access Google Maps without having to leave your tab.
Get directions by right-clicking highlighted text.
Switch between different map services. Convert coordinates and directions and jump to the same location on another map.
Quickly open a map by selecting some text or address, right-click, and select MapIt!
Tool to convert URL between different maps tools as Google Maps, Bing Maps, OpenStreetMap, TripGo
This extension will allow you to replace Google Maps with another mapping service on any web site.
Adding Google Maps search to your address bar.