Automatically organize Downloads folder by year & month. Instructions: 1. Set 'Download location' in Advanced Settings. 2. Download anything! 3. Find your download at '/ - /' For example, if you were downloading file named 'helloworld.txt' on June 11, 2014 and your default Download location is set to 'C:UsersPaulDownloads', then youd find the downloaded file here: 'C:UsersPaulDownloads2014-06helloworld.txt' This extension will work whether you have 'Ask where to save each file before downloading' enabled or disabled. Its compatible with Saft Extensions Sort Download by Date function on Safari. The script is based on download_filename_controller sample extension.
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the Organize Downloads by Month Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the Organize Downloads by Month Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
Quickly download stuff to your pre-chosen folders from the comfort of your context menu!
This Extension lets you change download settings, overwrite download files, create sub folder base on file extensions.
Batch-download and name images according to their content.
Allows users to download files to a temporary folder, such as DownloadsTemp, rather than the Downloads folder.
An extension that sorts the downloaded file to the specified folder
You can download files to the theme folder: music in the music folder, movies in the movie folder, etc.
Organize your downloads automatically! Set custom download locations based on filetype, filename, or source domain.
Lets you quickly find a bookmark folder and save a bookmark inside
Forget about the mess in your Downloads folder!
Organizes your download folder by date. Example: YEAR/MONTH/FILE