For iD editor at Adds ability to create hotkeys for tagging areas. Adds brightness & contrast tool for satellite imagery. TODO: Additional image filters. UPDATE: v 1.32: May 21, 2015: Add ability to have more than one hotkey with same character key. UPDATE: v 1.30: May 16, 2015: Add ability to hotkey non-CTRL/⌘ keys (key only, no CTRL). UPDATE: v 1.24: May 16, 2015: Intitial tag fixed to 'building=yes' from typo 'buildings=yes'. UPDATE: v 1.23: May 16, 2015: Add 'line' to list of allowed entities rather than just 'area'. Still exclude 'point' entity. UPDATE: v 1.22: May 16, 2015: Example hotkey is now uppercase 'M' rather than lowercase 'm'. UPDATE: v 1.20: May 16, 2015: Avoid emulating user actions for the most part. Apply tags with e.g. Update layout. Allow hotkey modification. Switch from SHIFT to CTRL/META. Override input.preset-search-input event.keypress when necessary. UPDATE: v 1.11: May 12, 2015: Fixed where hotkey was not working because `A` element was toggled hidden. Fixed .replace of an integer.
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the OSM iD Browser Tools Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the OSM iD Browser Tools Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
Change satellite images in mapping websites.
Switch between different map services. Convert coordinates and directions and jump to the same location on another map.
Provides access to certain OS OpenData products within the WME environment
Adds many features to the Waze editor
This extension will allow you to replace Google Maps with another mapping service on any web site.