Select like a Boss is a browser extension that allows you to easily select link text just like regular text, making it easier to copy. With this extension, you can quickly select and copy link text without the hassle of selecting the surrounding elements. • when you want to select link or part of link ↔ just select it like a regular text. • when you want to drag link ↕ drag it up or down. Works on all web pages. Enjoy! :)
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the Select like a Boss Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the Select like a Boss Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
Copy links and page urls with text from context menu
Preview links in a sidebar instead of a new tab.
Customizable popup with actions on text selection
Make it easy to select a part of link texts
Tab Position Options
Copies the text inside links
Copies the name of a link (anchor text) to the clipboard.
A browser Extension for auto loading paginated web pages!!!
Hold Shift and select text from a link.
Drag selected text to search for and link to open in a new tab