Small and fast extension. Looks and feels almost like in the Opera browser :) Enjoy!
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the Hyperlink Text Selector Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the Hyperlink Text Selector Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
Copy links and page urls with text from context menu
Copy the text of a link and its hyperlink as one.
Make it easy to select a part of link texts
With this extension, you can easily select link text just like regular text, making it easier to copy. Just Select like a Boss! ;)
Copy link address without right-clicking. Just hover the link and hit Ctrl-C / Cmd-C!
Copies the text inside links
Copies the name of a link (anchor text) to the clipboard.
Scroll Preview integrates a whole-page preview with scrollbar that inspired by Sublime Text's mini map.
A lightweight extension that makes any link selectable while [Alt], [Meta], or [Command] 'key' is pressed.