Extension that allows you to share the page being displayed with chat work. The same function as the official 'share with chat work' button (http://www.chatwork.com/ja/share/) is realized on the page where the button is not installed. If you select a character string in the page, quote the selected range. By setting it as an option, it is also possible to open a share page directly to KDDI ChatWork.
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the Share to ChatWork Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the Share to ChatWork Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
On Google Calendar... Sunday, Saturday, Today, and other weekdays, You can select the text color and background color.
From shopping to sale. You can quickly check on other sites from the menu button.
Create tabs from clipboard URL list
Slim Chatwork is a 3rd party extension that adds a few minimal features to Chatwork.
Simply send to all format maker
We can who ASIN and JAN on Amazon. We can also transfer it to Ebay. We also support US, JP, IT, FR, UK, DE Amazon.
チャットワーク(chatwork)に全て既読ボタンとメッセージエリアで幾つかのショートカット機能を追加するプラグインです。 マウスに手を移動しなくても様々な操作が可能になるのでより効率よくコミュニケーション出来ます 詳しい使い方はこちら…