Makes the font bigger, will help if you feel the font is too small, check the pictures for how it looks with the addon! :D ---------------------------------------------------------------- 0.3 Update Note - Now info section of channels are also in bigger fonts! 0.2 Update Note - Fixed extension to work with the new Twitch HTTPS update. ---------------------------------------------------------------- REPORT BUGS IN THE ADDON @sCop3SCouT ON
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the Twitch Bigger Font Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the Twitch Bigger Font Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
With one click on the button the font size on the current page will be increase.
With one click on the button the font size on the current page will be decrease.
Extension that lets the user change the font text size, font type, font color and background color on a page.
Catch links in fast moving twitch chat, moving them to a managable list for easy clicking!
Make text links appear as big as you want. Easier to select when using a touch screen.
Reformats Twitch chat messages that include links to
Triggers fullscreen view of twitch stream with chat overlay
Zoom text without distorting the images
Enhance your chat experience with highlights
Font Size & Zoom