A huge library of various ASCII-based emoticons, just one click away. The Twitch Dongers extension adds a button to your Twitch chat window which will give you access to hundreds of emoticons. The emoticons are provided by dongerlist.com. Just pick the emoticon youd like to use and it will be automatically added to your chat window. Update: * Added: 'Recently used' category * Added: Emoticon length (since some chats allow only a certain amount of unusual ASCII symbols) * Changed: Selector box now closes when you click outside it. Disclaimer: * Some of the channels do not allow the use of ASCII based emoticons. So use with caution. * All content is provided by an external website dongerlist.com. The developer of this extension is not responsible for content of this extension and for content on any other websites linked to from this extension. * The developer of this extension does not take any responsibility in case you get banned, your eyes start bleeding or the world is invaded by bloodthirsty penguins. * Twitch and Twitch logo are the property of Twitch Interactive Inc. and/or Amazon.com Inc. Use of them does not imply any affiliation with or endorsement by them. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)/ Al_kappaccino
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the Twitch Dongers Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the Twitch Dongers Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
This nifty utility extension gives you the ability to input Twitch and BetterTTV emotes into rabb.it chat. The emotes will be…
Insert the Kappa
Simplify emojis on Twitch, with our emoji menu
Restores Legacy Chat
Catch links in fast moving twitch chat, moving them to a managable list for easy clicking!
See custom emotes on any site.
Never again type your O's out on twitch! e.g N OMEGALUL or WH OMEGALUL, now - just type it normally and let us do the work for you!
Shows twitch viewercount in tab title
Enhance your chat experience with highlights