UIを構築するときに便利な拡張機能です。 HTML要素に background-color と outline のCSSを付与し、 要素同士の境目を明確にすることでレイアウト崩れを防ぎます。 プログラミング・マークアップを勉強中の方向けの拡張機能になります。
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the UI Build Assistant Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the UI Build Assistant Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
Display title tag and meta:description,meta:'key'words,in the corner of the browser.
Show multiple screens once, Responsive design tester
A super fast dictionary for language learners
Create tabs from clipboard URL list
This extension helps develop your websites with pixel perfect accuracy!
This extension show alt and meta.
Blazing fast & offline playground for your web experiments
Check the HTML for error. This doesn't send the source to the external. If web page behavior is not correct, you should turn off it.