Search any Youtube video, user, or channel from your address bar in Chrome! Type the keyword, 'yous' followed by TAB. After this you can type your search query and hit ENTER! You also have several other options. After the TAB, type 'v ' followed by your query to search only videos. Also, type 'c ' or 'u ' to search only channels or users, respectively.
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the YouSearch Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the YouSearch Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
Quick search selected text on YouTube or quick launch
Allows you to quickly view videos from your subscriptions feed page
SeenIt labels or hides the YouTube videos you've already watched. Now you can discover new content more easily.
Removing the friction with using Youtube as a music player.
The easiest way to add music to your personal playlist from YouTube and SoundCloud
Allows the user search YouTube for a term by highlighting text and selecting 'Search YouTube for...' from the right click menu.
An useful preview tool for YouTube