The extension generates media-queries for using max-width, helps you see the current screen size width and link you to a list of media-queries snippets. 1. Add the extension to your Google Chrome browser. 2. Start resize your window and see where your content are breaking. 3. Click into the Breakpoint icon. 4. Click 'generate code'. 5. Copy the code generated. 6. Past into your style sheets. Pretty simple and useful. Version 1.0: - removed Jquery - re-built with vanilla javascript Version 0.7: - Design improvements. Version 0.6: - Design improvements. Version 0.5: - Added external link to media-queries snippets with a bunch of devices. - Design improvements. Version 0.4: - update from min-width to max-width. Version 0.3: - icon updated. Credits: Thanks to David Nemes for the Media-Queries Snippets.
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the Breakpoint media-queries Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the Breakpoint media-queries Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
Responsive Inspector Reloaded allows inspecting page media queries. Same as original, but it works on modern browsers.
Making responsive design a little bit easier.
This extension displays Chrome’s viewport dimensions when resizing the browser window.
Collect and analyze CSS.
Viewport detector for bootstrap 3
Responsive design testing tool to test any website’s responsiveness – it only takes 2 seconds! Emulate various screen resolutions.
Resize the browser window to emulate various screen resolutions.
Interactively see how a website's layout changes responsively
The easiest way to find the break points in your responsive web designs.
Test responsive design of any web page with one click. Extension works when you click to extension icon only.